Friday, January 11, 2013


in the sunshine,
against the blue sky,
the pussy willow makes joyful promises
of February opulence


  1. Already? The pussy willows bloom by the beaver ponds here in the mountains sometime in May. Now, the catkins are still bundled against the cold. Didn't you bring them inside one year and put them in the tub to open? Hildred, the word verification is giving me fits tonight. I hope it goes through this time!

  2. Word verification? I didn't know I was torturing people with that. How do you get rid of it??
    Those are last year's pussy willows in the picture, - blogger wouldn't let me publish this years, - there are just a few little twigs of furry catkins out, but I guess it does show the sap is rising....

  3. Oh - thank goodness! I think it goes on as a default and if you don't turn it off, it requires that everyone type a verification before commenting. Go to options on your dashboard - next to the name of your blog. First is the orange pencil tab to write a post and then options - click on the arrow and it pulls down the menu - go to posts and comments - third from the bottom is "show word verification" - make it "no" THANKS!!!
